A Funny Nightmare...
I'm Tombs Timba, this is my last dream before I hypnotized myself against further dreams. It was on this day that I slept peacefully, I hadn't slept for five minutes before I started dreaming, It happened like this:
I boarded a plane at Muritala International Airport, a flight bounded for Australia, happy I was leaving this very frustrating Nigeria at last, i switched on my joyous mode and activated happiness. As we were two hours into the air, the plane started swerving, the pilot lost control, people started shouting, the waitress endeared us to do our last prayer but I didn't loose hope. 'Which of the last prayer?' I thought, i with God signed a contract for a century. 
 I stood up, carry a parachute, move straight to the window thinking I'm too young to die, i break it and jumped out, as I was coming down I thought of starting the parachute but it's not working, I pressed hard on it but it won't work and I kept falling down the altitude. 
Coming down, a big fish was opening its mouth for the supposed God sent food which is me, I suspended in air, waiting for the fish to vacate that position, suddenly an antelope with very long horns somehow appeared behind me, it knocked my butts very hard as I continue on the journey down. 
I quickly unfastened the parachute, throw it down into the fish's mouth, on throwing it, the unworkable parachute worked, it fell on the fish and it struggled with it, i landed on the parachute as well, you know dreams now, i found myself ashore, I walked straight into town to ask people which country I'm was in, they say Nigeria. "Nigeria again! Mo gbe o!!
", I bursted into a loud cry. 

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