Eleyele, My hood...
(the good, the bad, the weird)
Vol 1.
 Eleyele, a direct translation means oni-eyele, the owners of pidgeon, it's a renowned geographical location in the city of Ibadan, Oyo State. Why the name? Let's leave that particular story for the archaelogist, many a bloke like me just one day wake up to our senses and find ourselves dwelling in this community. Well, I'll describe that blessed place for you in brief.
 It's a geographical area that subtend towards the outskirt of Ibadan, it is somhow circular and embedded with a handful of wonders. Eleyele is bigger than many towns, not only in Oyo but in Nigeria and if it wont be an overstatement i would've said it's worthy to be a state on her own. Ask me why? There are four federal institutions in Eleyele, one state polythecnic and over hundred secondary and primary schools, both private and government owned. Now, talking about localization of industry, Eleyele can promised you many things which I'm only going to mention few, the first headquarters of Fan Milk plc Nigeria is in Eleyele, the headquarters of Nigermatch Nigeria is there.
 If you're all about tourist attraction, I'll tell you that the historic Oke Ibadan during the reign of our first forefather, Lagelu, was situated here in Eleyele and there is enough room for sightseeing by the riverside.
 Eleyele river is enough to supply both electricity and water for the whole town in abundance, which can actually serve well as a means of attraction for foreign investors. Our land had gone elastic as they expanded in length, breadth and width to give birth to a new geographical area called Ologuneru, which is still expanding fast. To cut the accolades short, Eleyele is nothing but blessed.
 It's all well and good until your potential boss heard you hail from Eleyele, he must redo a background check on you because the good reputation of our condo had dashed into thin air to give room for street orientation. Now, the street had forced on our tongue its anthem, of guys gone gaga as gals gone wild, here, when nothing seems to go right, even right will turn left. As we all know, the first orientation we received was go to school and study hard, so that we can live a secured life, but the street taught us otherwise as it had many examples to show unlike our parents who would talk and leave the rest to God. So many great brothers are leading by examples. Brothers are ammasing affluence, many cool dough majorly through street means even our parents can't spend as much as they do. Big brothers in the hood were riding on big cars and many responsible Dads' wouldn't change the same car in a decade.
Then who should we mentor?. The question will be answered right in your mind after the whole episode, why the hood is good, bad and equally weird.
Watch out for episode 2 next week
wizard calidad

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