The natural order 2

This is the second installment to the series of three. The first installment was about cause and effect and the reference story was a "bam bam" story written by John Jako, and here same story would be referenced but won't be in full text to avoid repetition, kindly re read the first installment in case you missed it, so you can tag along this essay well.
Today we will be talking about action and reaction. In creative writing the natural order of action and reaction, is unlike cause and effect, because it is based on the choice of actions of the story characters rather than events or motives of the characters. The truth is, the best order is action first before reaction.
Now back to John Jako story titled "bam bam" John story climax was a perfect example of action and reaction. In the climax, the lady Anwulika who so much believed in her wit took the decision of acting first -the action-backed by attempting to shoot Don, however she had miscalculated and hence she fired an unloaded gun. However John who witnessed such gruesome attempt had to respond -the reaction- and bam bam, he pulled the trigger that killed Amwulika.
Actions and reactions sometimes could not always be  turn by turn issues in certain stories, in other stories, they run so concurrently that you won't even be sure which is the action or which is the reaction. However the most rational thing is to keep the order and avoid placing an obvious reaction first before action. That way the clumsy way of trying to justify a reaction afterwards will not only be clumsy but will drive your story writing more towards telling than showing.
In the next installment we will discuss how to exploit the natural order as a tool to write amazing stories, natural order not only smoothen your stories but also strengthen your plots. The next installment will extensively tell on how to exploit the entirety of cause and effect, and action and reaction to ensure the composure of magical stories always, as these tools are the magical ingredients essential for an outstanding build up in stories.

Abd-afeez Abd-hamid for the museguide team.

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