Inspire your muse; my ultimate solution to creativity blocks
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Many a times when we sit down at those desks to write those scripts, or paint those pictures or create our fancy art wares; we’d discover that ideas for the new work might be shortcoming. Then we’d find ourselves cycling a loop that involves; doing less than we know we can do, to doing clumsy and unimaginable mistakes, to not even knowing what to do at all. These kind of situations where by we find ourselves short of our creative sparks are known as creativity blocks. Writers are more familiar with it and to them it is called writer’s block. As we all know, the centre of all creative activities is the brain. During writer’s block it is the cognitive regions of our brains that is stressed. This region however can be invigorated to work us through our pending work of creativity. To do this, I’ve devised two formulas;
Is to re-invigorate your entire system. (Put it out of its stress misery)
Give your brain a structural nudge to repair wearing out parts.
As we all know that the brain do not work alone but is connected to our limbs which now directly carry out most of our tasks. As I type this article for example, it is my hands that type not the brain, the brain only tells it what to do. However imagine, if I am physically exhausted and my brain at that moment stumble upon this article am writing, how willing do you think I’d write it at that very moment? Not writing at that moment however means I’m exposing myself to that risk of forgetting vital points my brain stumbled upon earlier. It might not even be points, it might even be the writing style I wish to adopt or a structure I need to test, and by the time I wish to write it later my brain might just skip them. So obviously I’ve reiterated an importance in the role of our motor systems (the limbs) in our creative activities.
To invigorate your system I’d recommend a cup of premium fruit juice (Orange preferably). Why I recommend this is that fact that the fruit is packed with extra vitamin c which is a natural anti-oxidant. The stressed body cells would have released tons of free radical molecules which upon accumulating in the system causes specific cellular/tissue damages and hence fatiguing such tissue and cells and their specific systems and eventually the whole body. Now the vitamin c will help cast away these trouble-making free radicals.
I recommended juice because it also has free sugars as fructose and sometimes sucrose, since the brain is a sugar scavenger- a glutton that consumes 25% of the total blood sugar, then the juice would be able to refuel the brain cells and body cells easily. Juice also because, it will help replenish the body water and electrolytes and hence completing a total get at reinvigoration.
Now the psychological aspect, the juice as a matter of fact will help relaxation and brain storming if it were to be mildly chilled. This is due to a creation of a sense of comfort and relaxation, as our own brain would have felt everything is alright and we would find it very easy to push it to the realisation of the day’s creative and mental tasks.
For the second step I’d recommend cod liver oil capsules or the pear fruit, why I recommend these two is the fact that the active structures in the brain which partake in active transfer of information as impulses in the brain and the exchange of nutrients between the brain cells and the blood are all dependent on the omega3 fatty acids present in this two products. The structures include the myelin sheath, then the blood brain barrier (BBB) respectively.
The two will ensure damaged myelin sheath is amply repaired and revamped and so also the BBB, this will ensure an incredible efficiency across the brain, down to the central nervous system and then to our sensory and motor systems. All of these systems are essential parts of our muse and such revamping ensures a smooth and efficiently working muse.
Having taken your juice and probably swallowed that one gel capsule of cod liver oil, you yourself will testify to the magic this is going to perform as a riddance of that creativity block is guaranteed. Note if it does not work an instant magic, please take a nap and when you wake return to that desk to feel its magic. Just endeavour to sip the remaining juice while you work. Remember to share this article with your friends because you might never know how it can help them with finishing those creative works they have abandoned due to recurrent blocks. Thank you very much for reading.

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