For Soweto
My blood spilled and splashed
Littering our streets and its curves.
Thousands of my kind stood up
Radically against these devilish kind,
Whose claws were certified to scratch
Every pigment called black off our flesh.
In their dungeon, our dwellings
And they wouldn't let go
Unless I accept their evil mark.
But for freedom, sweet freedom
Many years looked like few days
Until the waters were freely drawn
Then, I drank from freedom streams.

Specially Dedicated to Late Dr. Nelson Mandela "Mandiba", Freedom fighter and Ex-President of South Africa.

#‎GOAL‬ #‎FridaySpecial‬ #‎NelsonMandela‬ #‎Mandiba‬ #‎Soweto‬ #‎SouthAfrica‬ #‎Africa‬

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