In my youngest childhood
How my mum for a suck was my best friend!
In her absence did I play with sand and even ate them like rice.

In my youngest childhood
Did I act as Papa and my neighbor, "my dearly beloved"; Mama!
How we had children and stole our first kisses from hiding and seeking.

In my youngest childhood
How my bed always rained wet drops!
And my right finger like Mama's breast, I sucked!
The wipe was not my friend and to her woes my mouth opened out loud to weep.

In my youngest childhood
Listening to the tales by moonlight was fun
How reading and writing was such a bore!
Christmas brought in new clothes to wear and a special kind of rice to chew
Father Christmas was better than Santa, how I never wanted to see him alone!

In my youngest childhood
I told no lie, as my innocence always unveiled with no secrets.
How I wished for adulthood!
How my wish came true!
How I wish no more in my youngest old age!  

#GOAL #FridaySpecial #InMyYoungestChildhood #ChildhoodExperience #HowIwishIWasAChildAgain #Poetry

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