War ensued in the school amidst we students and a replica version amidst teachers too. Many teachers were against the Principal's decision while many students were on the Principal's side of the scale supporting him, who cares! When Kola was already on the fifth drip at the health center opposite our school.
"I am the dictator here, I have my standard, no underline of mine can change my decision", the Principal was sterned on his decision as he intentionally dashed his poisonous words-darts at the Pro-Kola member of staffs as they also reacted with several whining in murmuring tone in fold of their lots. Then the V.principal stood up as she said,
"Why must a new boy always become our S.P? He shouldnt even be a prefect normally because we never know his ability academic-wise and his attitude moral-wise, that's why the S.P from three sets ago though brilliant yet was a smoker, he was expelled from the school he was coming from..."
"Afterall he was brilliant, that was why it wasn't a mistake he assumed the post, even many head of state were former cultist, moreover I already carried out a background check on him, he's okay demeanor-wise, he was here due to some financial constraint of his family" the Principal reacted.
"Nevertheless Sir, though the tradition holds as normal for couple of decades now yet it shouldn't come in this form, former S.Ps' had always been in school, one, two or three terms before the prefectship", Mr P.O. added, he was the most fearful teacher in the school, those days when boarding still hold, he use to be the housemaster, until three female boarders were impregnated at a time, the P.T.F now decided to put an end to boarding in my school, everyone must be a day student or go to another school with enough security and boarding facilities. Later we somehow heard that Mr. P.O. was responsible for one if not two of the pregnancy, you know in every rumour, there is always an element of truthfulness.
That day meeting was fruitless as far as i know as we senior students were following it like twitter. The following morning, on the assembly, the Principal addressed the issue stylishly in a manner of brainwashing we students in his support. Fortunately for him, its only our set that didn't fall for his trick, the other students already agreed in support of the new boy. During breaktime, some students converged under a tree, about a hundred, on getting there to grace the supposed great event (as that's the only reason why students gathered that much), to our greatest surprise, it was this stupid new boy doing his manifesto amidst the juniors, What a grumpy kid!. Alabi, a hot tempered boy in my class dashed into the crowd, he got a hold of this boy and punch him in the face, he fell down as the junior students started shouting,
"Senior David!!!", that was when we learnt he goes by the name David.
Shortly after, he entered the class carrying a pregnant eye together with the Principal, he went straight to his seat as the Principal stood still, "Alabi Ahmed!, follow me to my office immediately".
You dont need to be told that Alabi is already in a big soup inside an iron pot on a gas cooker, the man called Principal will serve him hot. Students are bad atimes, we were together with Alabi when he commited his crime and cheered him as well, now that he was serving punishment, we were again making jest of his situation. It started with Aremu when he saw a big pot of stone being carried about picking pebbles by Alabi, he shouted,
"Alabi, what are you selling? Isn't that vegetable?Hahahahahahahahahaha(he laughed), we all bursted in laughter as Alabi too into a loud cry.
On the third day, Kola was back in school, he programmed himself like nothing had happened two days earlier, the Principal called him and that Devil version of David (this one cant even stand Goliath pikin) who was also wearing our uniform for the first time.
"Prepare for a mathematics competition tomorrow, who wins becomes S.P." He said it as short as that waving the likely question script.
When Kola was briefing us, i suspected the Principal, he favoured that David, he might show to him the question so we sorted a plan, we were going to get the question before David, we have to steal it for our friend. Dele was Mr. Deagbo's son, they lived in the school compound, the Teacher's Quarters, he had a duplicated key to the Principal's office. There was a time when towards vacation, we purchased a new leather ball for the inter class competion but after the whole competition, we still played it. On vacation day, the Principal seized the ball while playing it and he has a very bad tradition of not returning whatsoever he seized(leather ball for that matter!). Dele Deagbo's stay in the school wasn't fruitless, as he made the duplicate key and get the ball out over the holiday, there are over two hundred seized items so the Principal wouldn't have noticed if a ball was missing, henceforth, in Dele Deagbo we trust for any seized items.
We planned to read over the night in the school and sleep at Deagbo's place, this is not the first time of sleeping in the school since our boarding was banned, during the examination we did, and most finalist were priviledged too and presently we are the finalist (most seniorest lol). Dele joined us to read making us three for the operation, Dele, Tobi and I.
At exactly ten o clock, after the security had passed with his whistle, Dele told us he will blow his next whistle at twelve o clock, so we have a whole two hours to operate. Five minutes after, we were already in the office, we searched and searched until I checked the photocopying machine and found the question inside with the title, 'the decider',
"wow! David already have it", I lamented
"why?" asked Tobi
"What's it doing in the photocopier if not?" answered Dele
"you get brain" i praised him.
Tobi has a very good and fast handwriting, he quickly copied it, it was five solid question with plenty children, when i say children, it has many options, a,b,c,d,e. We peacefully returned the question, as we were trying to egressed, we had footsteps from afar, we reduced our steps to hear further as Tobi stubbed into a small shell, the drawer inside fell and make a big sound, the approaching footstep shouted, "who was that?" as the steps quickens ahead, I rushed out as Tobi followed, but Dele couldn't make it out as he jumped into the open ceiling inside the office. The security on reaching there found the door opened and still heard our steps dashing away, he noticed the lock hasn't been damaged but rather compromised, he locked the door from outside as Dele was still inside on the ceiling the ceiling with the key in his pocket.
Yusuf Abdulqoyum
To be continued.....

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