It is just two days to the deadline, below is the detail:
"The WordWard in collaboration with The GSBPC invites poetic sWORDERS and lovers of duels to send in their well-worded pieces for the August edition challenge.The GSBPC kicked off its inauguration on July to give the needed outlook and improved innovation to the longings for modernized sWORD-fights towards poetry advancement in Nigeria.It is the only competition that gives serious attachment to poetry challenges and a championship where a winner takes it all. Its maiden edition being won by Akinbode Israel. Due to the quality of entries in #AJAPoetryContest, GSBPC has decided to stick with the following qualified poets with whom the qualifying poems of this audition will be paired in the second round. They are:
|Jeremiah Peters
|Kujore Victoria Omotayo
|Olanrewaju Moses
|Dawon Rilwan
|Odunola Don Kolawolu
In other word, this is an audition and it is the first round. Only qualified poets of #AJAPoetryContest were being granted direct entry into the second round of course without auditioning.
PRIZES TO BE WON:-------------------1. A two thousand naira voucher of any network to the winner of the challenge.
2. A copy of the book 'Home Apart' by George Shakewords.
3. An interview by The WordWard to be published on their blog.
4. Every poem in the final will be posted to The WordWard blog along with their writers' biographies and pictures.
1. Interested candidates are to submit their pieces on the theme 'TRAILS OF BLOOD'.
2. All submissions should be made via email as BODY of mail to with the subject: GSBPcAugust followed by the theme, i.e; GSBPcAugust: Trails Of Blood.
3. All entries must be the original works of the writers.
4. The maximum length of pieces should be 30 lines. Any pieces which exceed will be disqualified.
5. Writers must add their full names and a biography (100 word maximum) at the bottom of their pieces. Their facebook identities also must be disclosed.
6. All later information on fixtures, arenas, winners and changes regarding the contest will be disseminated on The WordWard official Facebook page which every candidate should endeavour to like so to follow their updates. Check:
NOTE THAT:------------¤
This is an audition where shortlisted poets will be paired with the reserved qualified poets of AJAPoetryContest.¤ This audition will be judged based on artistic quality and creativity, for the second round.¤ Fixtures and duels of later rounds will be regarded on The WordWard facebook page where every participating poet will be tagged to.¤ In the later rounds (which are the duelling rounds), pieces will be judged by readers and The Judges in a 50-50 rating. Only the first round (which is the audition round) will be judged completely by The Judges. So, contestants are allowed to mention their friends during voting.
ELIGIBILITY:-------------Nigerian residents in any part of the world are eligible.
DEADLINE:-----------The audition closes on the 16th of August 2015, as the later duelings run towards the end of the month."
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